Welcome to Skates and Goggles, the best blog around! So tighten your goggle straps and sharpen your ice skating blades and. . . read!!

This blog is all about 2 crazy sisters and their busy and fun life. The oldest Madison swims, and Lillian skates!

We hope you get a good kick out of our posts and be sure to comment! Have a fantabulous day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

say WHAT?!?

You know how it like JUST turned June right? And summer JUST started yesterday? And how most of us JUST got out of school? And. . . AND how it finally JUST starting to get warm (and humid!). Ok, think about this. . . July is JUST about to start in little over a week!! Say WHAT?!? July? Already? Huh? That's right, JULY. CRAZY!! Summer has officially started! (Since yesterday, anyway.) Soooo, why in the WORLD is there rain, and a tornado warning?!?!? Grrr. . . I guess summer hasn't REALLY started. But, hey, it's Michigan!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I NEVER know what to expect! LOL!